Skin Care Tips to Avoid Developing Wrinkles

If you are young, you still have ample of time to take care of your skin to stop wrinkles from developing while you are still at your prime. There are ways to do it that will not cause you a lot. And besides, there are more to your life now than to worry yourself about such occurrence. It will come at the right time. You are already battling it out with all kinds of blemishes including pimples, so do not yet worry about something that still isn't visible.

But if you are careless about your skin, it doesn't matter if you are old or young. You will develop lines in your faces if you will not take care of your skin as well as take good care of your body.

Skin Care Tips
You may be young and you want to experiment with every aspect of your life. For young girls, you may already be experimenting with make-ups and other chemicals that promise to contain your young look and fresh skin.

Here are some of the tips that you must follow in order to slow down the aging process of your skin. And oh by the way, this goes out to young boys as well.

1. It is a must to wash your face. But do not do this too often, especially if you do not have a water purifier installed in your house that your only source for this act is the water coming straight from the tap. It actually contains chlorine which can add to the risks of developing wrinkles fast. If this is the case, wash your face once a day. This way, you will be able to retain a good amount of moisture and oil on your skin.

2. In washing you face, use mild soap. Choose the brands that have moisturizers as part of the ingredients. Do not use soaps and even deodorants with alkaline. If it cannot be helped, just avoid it.

3. Choose a brand of moisturizer that is water based. After washing your face, use a clean and soft towel to pat your skin dry then add the moisturizer.

4. The sun also contributes a lot in developing lines on your face. What you must do to counter this is to apply sunscreen when you are going out. This should be applied even you are only going to be exposed to the sun's rays for a short period of time.

5. The sleeping position can also contribute to slow down the process of developing the unwanted lines. You can try lying on your back when you are sleeping. But only do this if it will be comfortable for you. The effect of this act is that it will offset the gravity's effects.

6. Avoid smoking. You are young and you may want to try it all. But this vice is really not going to do anything good to your skin. Plus, your health will also suffer through time. When are you going to quit? When people mistake you for a 40-year-old than the 20 something that you really are? You surely don't want to take that route.

Everybody will develop wrinkles as they age. But while you are young and can still prevent it, do something about it. The above mentioned tips will hopefully do the trick for you.

Smoking Causes Wrinkles

Can smoking cause wrinkles? According to many experts, the answer is yes because it accelerates the normal aging process of your skin and contributes to wrinkles from appearing. You will not be able to see the direct effects of smoking immediately but it can after you have smoked for 10 years or so and the bad news is that this is irreversible.

Smoking is ranked only second to sun exposure as the leading cause of wrinkles. It interferes with the absorption of Vitamin A and C both of which provide us with skin protection. This is because nicotine the main ingredient in cigarettes promotes dehydration.

It also narrows the blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin. THIs impairs blood flow depleting it of oxygen and important nutrients such as Vitamin A. It also damages collagen and elastin. These are both fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity making it sag and wrinkle prematurely.

The heat from the cigarette causes irritation around the eyes and forces the smoker to squint more. This leads to increased wrinkles especially around the eyes. You will also develop hollowed cheeks around the mouth from many years of dragging this in between your lips.

This has also led doctors to believe that there is a relationship between wrinkles in the mouth and COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as this may to airflow obstruction.

Aside from the wrinkles forming on your face, this will also be evident in other parts of the body including the inner arms even if these areas are covered by your clothes.

If you have been smoking for a very long time, someone who is in their 30’s may have similar wrinkles to a nonsmoker who is already in his or her 50’s.

So what is the morale of the story? Well, naturally quit smoking because no amount of anti-aging cream in the market will remove the wrinkles caused by cigarette smoking. Given that this vice is a habit, this is easier said than done so a lot of experts suggest that this should be done gradually.

If you fail to do so, you are just wasting time buying creams and moisturizers or even undergoing treatment with the help of a dermatologist because this will soon come back. What is worse is that these are very pricey.

If you are able to quit smoking, it also has other health benefits such as adding a few more years to your life and prevents you from being diagnosed with lung cancer and smoke related diseases in the future.

Aside from giving up this habit, you should also start by focusing on a healthy diet and exercise regularly. This will help bring blood to the surface of the skin and begin to replenish the capillaries with oxygen. You should also avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine as this also dehydrates the skin. To make sure you get your daily dose of Vitamin A and C, go take some food supplements.

Smoking causes wrinkles and other health related problems the longer you stick to this vice. Why should you wait before it is too late when you can look your age? If you can, quit right now because there are worse things than can happen aside from having wrinkles and your skin sag.

Different Treatments for Eye Wrinkles

The process of aging brings about so many changes in our physical condition and appearance. Having eye wrinkles is just one of them. But do you know what brought such changes? It is not solely because of the age of the person. It is more so because of a person's exposure to the sun and ultraviolet rays.

You might not notice the effect when you are still young. But as you may have noticed, there are people who remain to look young even if they are already old and vice versa. This all boils down on how badly your skin is affected by such kind of exposure.

Less Worries

Come on, this is the day and age where there seems to be a solution to every problem. People can go to a specialist on whatever type of ailment they are experiencing and they will be given specific treatment and medicines for whatever it is they are experiencing.

So if you are worried about your under eyes wrinkles or your crows feet, you have a lot of options. But you must suit your choice according to what will make you happy and what you can afford. Are you going to try the latest creams and moisturizers or are you ready to take this case to the surgeon?

Here are some suggestions that you can follow if you are in this kind of dilemma.

1. Thermage is a new treatment for under eye problems like wrinkles. This will cause the skin on that area to tighten so that the lines will not be too much visible.

2. Botox as well as Restylane can act as dermal fillers. The good effects of these procedures can last for a good six months or more, depending on your skin type and the care that you allot for your skin to have.

3. Silk Touch and Fraxel lasers are known to eliminate wrinkles. You just have to ask your dermatologist if they will recommend the said procedures on the kind of skin that you have and with the situation of the wrinkles on your eyes.

4. Over the counter products like Vitamin C, Alphahydroxy and copper peptide are also known to lessen the unwanted lines around the eyes.

5. If you have additional problems like eye bags or the dark circles around your eyes, you can opt for Photo Genica and Lyra. These are part of the advancement of the technology that will remove the cause of the problem, which are the enlarged blood vessels. But if you don't want to take that route, you can always cover the problem with a good make up.

One thing that you have to remember when choosing what kind of procedure you are willing to undertake is that do you really need to do it. Such procedures may take a toll on your physical appearance when you are already too old to undergo through the same thing.

But the instant beauty will surely make you happy as you will see fast results. This will be beneficial if your appearance has something to do with your job or your means of income.

If you want to age gracefully and you are not the type to take drastic steps just so you can get rid of your eye wrinkles, then so be it. You can always tell people that those lines were brought about by the happy life that you have led and is still leading to this day.

Short Term Wrinkle Solutions

Wrinkles happen as we age. If you can’t afford plastic surgery, there are short term wrinkle solutions you can use. The best part is that there are very few risks so you just have to consult with you dermatologist. Let’s talk about each one in alphabetical order.

First is Botox which has been around for over 10 years. This is a protein toxin produced by the clostridium botulinum bacteria that is injected in small amounts into the body helping the muscles relax and make the lines disappear. It is effective in treating crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, frown lines and laugh lines despite the fact that some studies show it causes new wrinkles to appear. It is good for 3 to 6 months and can be repeated.

Similar to Botox is collagen which has been used for over 25 years. It is used primarily as a tissue filler to soften lines around the mouth, to help augment lips, correct early degrees of muscle loss and erase acne scars. The injection is good for only 3 to 4 months. Before you can be injected with this protein, doctors will have to do some skin tests first to make sure you are not allergic.

There is a treatment called autologous fat transfer. Here, fat is removed from one part of the body and then it is used to fill the gaps caused by the wrinkles. Usually, fat is extracted from the buttocks, stomach or thighs. Since the patient’s fat is being used, there is no chance of allergic reactions taking place.

Another soft tissue filler is Restylane that is considered to be an injectable cosmetic treatment. This comes from hyaluronic acid which has proven to be very successful in Canada and Europe. Basically, this is a gel that is a basic component of the human skin. Unlike other procedures that fill in the gaps caused by wrinkles, this lets the skin cells “float” making it very suitable for large folds of skin often seen in the mouth and cheeks. This is effective for about 6 to 9 months with low incidence of allergic reactions.

Then there is also Hylaform which is an alternative to collagen and those who want to use it do not have to undergo an allergy test. Just like the rest, this has to be injected into the skin at regular intervals in order to treat wrinkles.

The procedures mentioned are not covered by insurance and do not have any health benefits. The only thing it can do is hide away those wrinkles for a few months and when they start to appear again, you have to go back to your dermatologist for the next treatment.

Apart from the short term wrinkle solutions, there are also home made treatments which you can use to treat and prevent pimples. Most of these use simple things you can buy at the grocery and you may have to mix some of them. You should clean your face first so the pores will open and it can be absorbed by the skin, left to dry before it is rinsed.

So are short term wrinkle solutions the way to go? If you want to avoid the pain that is often endured with other costly treatments and the long recovery time, then the answer is yes.

Can We Prevent Wrinkled Skin

The condition of our skin tells a lot about who we are. If it is not that elastic or as thinner as before, then you may already have wrinkled skin. The question now is, can we prevent it?

A lot of experts believe that we are only delaying the inevitable. There have been advances in the dermatological field which people can use as well as home remedies that have proven to be quite effective.

You can use lotions or facial creams that contain AHA’s or alpha-hydroxic acids. This contains Vitamin A and is usually extracted from milk, fruits and sugar cane and works by clearing away dead cells on the surface of the skin. It encourages collagen growth which fills in the wrinkles and also counteracts free radicals that can damage the skin.

The only side effect is skin irritation which happens on occasion. You can test the product you are using by rubbing a little of this on a small patch of skin behind the ear. If it doesn’t turn red the day after then it is safe for you to use.

You should also exfoliate your skin twice weekly to remove dead and dry skin cells and encourage the body to produce new skin cells. This enables the skin to absorb the cream or the moisturizer better since it is hydrated.

You can prevent wrinkles the natural way by cutting a piece from an aloe vera plant and then apply this to the skin as the leaf itself contains malic acid. Papaya is another good example to use because it contains enzymes that can etch away the top layer of the skin.

Apply a moisturizer every morning after washing as this helps retain moisture in the skin. Ideally, this should contain SPF30 so it can protect you from the sun’s ultra-violet rays which also cause wrinkles to appear. A natural method would be to use fresh avocado as this contains vitamin E which is an anti-oxidant.

Aside from applying creams to your face, you can also prevent wrinkles by watching your diet and drinking lots of water. The food you consume should be rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that will help you achieve healthy skin cell structure.

You should also exercise regularly as this helps maintain general health and improve circulation to the skin. You shouldn’t smoke or drink too much because it defeats the purpose of all the safeguards you have done to prevent wrinkles.

Stress forces us to make excessive use of the facial muscles which causes the skin to crease into expression lines. To prevent that from happening, don’t frown too much or raise your eye brows in surprise.

Lastly, as much as possible try to stay indoors especially between 10 am and 4pm since this is the time that it is very hot outside. If you have to go out, wear a hat and even a pair of sunglasses as well as an umbrella to protect your arms.

Can we prevent wrinkled skin? The answer is yes as long as we take the appropriate steps. Those mentioned above are much cheaper than having to undergo laser surgery or injecting some chemical into the body so do your best before you have to resort to other means.